Vinland Saga Wiki

[Handing Thorfinn his short sword] Thorfinn. Only use it to protect yourself. Got that? Only when it is absolutely necessary!— Thors Snorresson

Cage ( Ori?) is the 11th chapter of the Vinland Saga series.


The debris pushed down into the inlet by Askeladd's men falls below. Thors's group and the ships are undamaged, but the debris creates a dam that blocks the inlet's exit and prevents them from escaping. Askeladd and his men arrive on two ships. Thors equips his sword and gives his short sword to Thorfinn, instructing him to use it to protect himself only if it is absolutely necessary. Bjorn munches on a mushroom and asks Askeladd if he can test Thors, since it is no fun if they ambush everyone at once. Thors leaps into one of Askeladd's boats and easily neutralizes five attackers with his bare hands.


The debris pushed down by Askeladd's men, including the support beams from some of the village's houses, rain down on Thors's ship, Leif's knarr, and the inlet below. Thors protects Thorfinn. No one is injured and the ships are not damaged, but the inlet's exit is blocked by the debris, trapping Thors's group. Thors instructs everyone to hide their heads with their shields and watch for arrows, warning them that the real trap is within the inlet and that their attackers are coming.

Chapter 11-1

Thors gives Thorfinn his short sword

Askeladd's group approaches on two longships. Magni wonders if the attackers will let them live if they surrender. Ari replies that they are in a "kill or be killed" situation and that they won't be getting out safely, either getting slaughtered or captured and sold as slaves. He tries to be brave despite his fear, but Thors tells him to stop, as the attackers are veterans far beyond Ari's level. Thors sighs and equips his sword. He then gives his short sword to Thorfinn, instructing him to use it to protect himself only if it is absolutely necessary. Ari asks if they will fight and says he is ready to kill them all, but Thors tells him not to speak of killing that way.

Chapter 11-2

Bjorn asks Askeladd if he can test Thors

Chapter 11-3

Thors leaps into one of the enemy's ships and quickly neutralizes five attackers barehanded

Bjorn counts how many are in Thors's party from one of the ships, counting twelve men and one child. He munches on a mushroom, which his comrades seem alarmed about. Bjorn yells out to Askeladd, in the other ship and asks him if he can handle them and test Thors as it's no fun to overrun their target all at once. Askeladd tells him to go ahead and says that Thors seems to have had the same idea. Thors lands on the ship Bjorn is in, his leap shocking both his own men and Bjorn. He is immediately attacked by five of Askeladd's men, but quickly neutralizes them without injuring them, using nothing but his bare hands. Bjorn is shocked, while Askeladd seems impressed by Thors's display.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

